Whenever people travel there will be an assortment of personal items which they take with them, such as travel documents, medication, mobile devices, credit cards, and jewellery. Jewellery is often taken by people who are travelling, whether it be a business trip or a vacation for a variety of reasons, some practical, some due to personal preferences, as if you are travelling for your honeymoon you will most likely want to bring along your engagement ring with you.
Reasons for individuals taking jewellery when travelling can include believing the jewellery is safer with them than being left at home. It may also be that they wish to have the widest choice of jewellery to wear when attending social events on their trip. It could also be that a person sees their jewellery as being as personal to them as their toothbrush and simply will not be separated from it for any length of time.
Some potential issues can arise when taking jewellery with you when you travel. For a start, its value might have implications for your travel insurance, plus there is also the matter of ensuring your jewellery is secure during your entire trip. There might also be the need to provide receipts to prove the jewellery is yours should your belongings be searched at a security or customs checkpoint.
All of these give rise to several questions that frequently get asked by people who wish to take jewellery with them when travelling. So, we thought it would be useful to highlight five of these frequently asked questions and to provide answers to them.